Since the power-steering pump on most cars today runs constantly, pumping fluid all the time, it wastes horsepower. This wasted power translates into wasted fuel. You can expect to see several innovations that will improve fuel economy. One of the coolest ideas on the drawing board is the “steer-by-wire” or “drive-by-wire” system. These systems would completely eliminate the mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the steering, replacing it with a purely electronic control system. Essentially, the steering wheel would work like the one you can buy for your home computer to play games. It would contain sensors that tell…
Author: Johnny
The results of the Essential Skills Inventories, completed by each of your apprentices prior to the beginning of your program, indicated the Essential Skills in need of updating for each apprentice. To track each apprentice’s progress, it is now time to complete a post inventory of those same skills. Please administer the Post-Inventory as a “test”, that is, each apprentice is to complete the Inventory without any help. Ask each apprentice to complete only the questions that are marked. The time required will vary for each apprentice as each post- inventory is different; therefore please give each apprentice the time…
Conducted in a manner that engages the apprentice and helps build confidence, the completed Inventory provides a picture of the apprentice’s learning needs while recognizing the skills that have already been acquired. The Inventory is as much a process as a product. The time required to complete an Inventory will vary depending on the apprentice but should be completed in one and a half to two hours. Six of the nine. slbux Essential Skills are assessed in these Inventories and are in this order: reading text (technical language), document use, numeracy, oral communication, computer use and writing. The Inventory is…