You can download free movies to your computer by using the free CouchPota Movies Download app. This app automatically scans Usenet to find movies and downloads them for you when they become available online. You can set up the movie’s quality and choose whether to keep it on your computer or to watch it later. If you’d like to have a list of downloaded movies, you can add them to your wanted list.
After downloading movies from the CouchPotato website, you need to add them to your “wanted” list. It will then check Usenet for those movies and send them straight to your SAB. You can change the quality of your downloaded movie by changing the settings. You can even view movie trailers and browse all available torrents. You can then watch the movie with a comfortable chair. If you like, you can change the movie’s name and add a note to your “want” list.
You can download your favorite movies from CouchPotato by adding them to your “wanted” list. You can also browse newsgroups for the movies that you want to watch. To download a movie, all you need to do is type in the title of the movie, select the quality, and hit Enter. Once you’ve entered the title and quality, the CouchPotato will search its newsgroups and begin searching for it. Once it has located the movie, it will show a green check mark next to the icon. You can move the movie to the folder you want and give it a clear name.